Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Dropbox 4.4.29
Monday, May 30, 2016
ActivePresenter 6.0.1
Bugs Fixed:
[HTML5/Drag-n-Drop]: Drag and Drop functionality doesn't work when the 'Allow Select Text' option is enabled.
[HTML5/SCORM]: Output with option 'export each operation mode to a separated package' doesn't work in LMS if there's only one mode selected.
WinRAR 5.40 (32-bit)
1. Switch -scul can be used to process big endian UTF-16 list files,
provided that they have the correct byte order mark.
Previously it supported only little endian file lists.
2. 5.40 beta 1 did not work on CPU without SSE2 instruction set.
3. It could take excessively long time to cancel WinRAR "Repair"
command on some corrupt archives.
4. If "Generate archive name by mask" option was used and archive
was created in a system protected folder requiring privileges
elevation, mask was added to archive name twice.
WinRAR 5.40 (64-bit)
1. Switch -scul can be used to process big endian UTF-16 list files,
provided that they have the correct byte order mark.
Previously it supported only little endian file lists.
2. 5.40 beta 1 did not work on CPU without SSE2 instruction set.
3. It could take excessively long time to cancel WinRAR "Repair"
command on some corrupt archives.
4. If "Generate archive name by mask" option was used and archive
was created in a system protected folder requiring privileges
elevation, mask was added to archive name twice.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Google Chrome 51.0.2704.63 (64-bit)
- A number of fixes and improvements.
Google Chrome 51.0.2704.63 (32-bit)
- A number of fixes and improvements.
Google Chrome 51.0.2704.63 (64-bit) msi
- A number of fixes and improvements.
Google Chrome 51.0.2704.63 (32-bit) msi
- A number of fixes and improvements.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
CCleaner 5.18.5607
- Improved Microsoft Edge Cache and History cleaning.
- Improved Firefox 46 Session cleaning.
- Optimized detection and cleaning of portable browsers.
- Improved Browser Monitoring functionality (Professional only).
- Improved Unicode support in Startup and Browser Plugin management.
- Improved localization support.
- Minor GUI improvements.
- Minor bug fixes.
Monday, May 23, 2016
Dropbox 4.3.26
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Classic Shell 4.2.5c
7-Zip 16.02 msi (64-bit)
Change log:
- 7-Zip now can extract multivolume ZIP archives (z01, z02, ... , zip).
- Some bugs were fixed.
7-Zip 16.02 msi (32-bit)
Change log:
- 7-Zip now can extract multivolume ZIP archives (z01, z02, ... , zip).
- Some bugs were fixed.
7-Zip 16.02 (64-bit)
Change log:
- 7-Zip now can extract multivolume ZIP archives (z01, z02, ... , zip).
- Some bugs were fixed.
7-Zip 16.02 (32-bit)
Change log:
- 7-Zip now can extract multivolume ZIP archives (z01, z02, ... , zip).
- Some bugs were fixed.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Dropbox 4.3.25
Google Drive 1.30.2170.0459 msi
7-Zip 16.01 msi (64-bit)
Change log:
- Some bugs were fixed.
7-Zip 16.01 msi (32-bit)
Change log:
- Some bugs were fixed.
7-Zip 16.01 (64-bit)
Change log:
- Some bugs were fixed.
7-Zip 16.01 (32-bit)
Change log:
- Some bugs were fixed.
Skype msi
Skype for Business:
Change log:
Another secret changes has been integrated in this release.
Check out yourself:
Change log:
Another secret changes has been integrated in this release.
Check out yourself:
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Acrobat Reader DC patch AcroRdrDCUpd1501620041.msp
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Notepad++ 6.9.2
TeamViewer 11.0.59518
Change log:
- Fixed a bug where sometimes a device was not added to the Computers & Contacts list when unattended access was set up during the first installation
- Fixed a bug that prevented devices to be added to the Computers & Contacts list via the star icon in the Partner-ID field
- Fixed a bug that sometimes on Windows 8.1 and 2012 Server R2 logging into the Computer & Contacts list was not possible
Friday, May 13, 2016
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Adobe Flash Player
Adobe Flash Player (ActiveX)
Google Chrome 50.0.2661.102 (64-bit)
- Auto-fill form letters are now highlighted in bold.
- A number of fixes and improvements.
- No longer supports Windows XP and Vista.
Android version:
- Bug fixes and speedy performance improvements.
iOS version:
- Bug and stability fixes.
Google Chrome 50.0.2661.102 (32-bit)
- Auto-fill form letters are now highlighted in bold.
- A number of fixes and improvements.
- No longer supports Windows XP and Vista.
Android version:
- Bug fixes and speedy performance improvements.
iOS version:
- Bug and stability fixes.
Google Chrome 50.0.2661.102 (64-bit) msi
- Auto-fill form letters are now highlighted in bold.
- A number of fixes and improvements.
- No longer supports Windows XP and Vista.
Android version:
- Bug fixes and speedy performance improvements.
iOS version:
- Bug and stability fixes.
Google Chrome 50.0.2661.102 (32-bit) msi
- Auto-fill form letters are now highlighted in bold.
- A number of fixes and improvements.
- No longer supports Windows XP and Vista.
Android version:
- Bug fixes and speedy performance improvements.
iOS version:
- Bug and stability fixes.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
7-Zip 16.00 msi (64-bit)
Change log:
- 7-Zip now can extract multivolume ZIP archives (z01, z02, ... , zip).
- Some bugs were fixed.
7-Zip 16.00 msi (32-bit)
Change log:
- 7-Zip now can extract multivolume ZIP archives (z01, z02, ... , zip).
- Some bugs were fixed.
7-Zip 16.00 (64-bit)
Change log:
- 7-Zip now can extract multivolume ZIP archives (z01, z02, ... , zip).
- Some bugs were fixed.
7-Zip 16.00 (32-bit)
Change log:
- 7-Zip now can extract multivolume ZIP archives (z01, z02, ... , zip).
- Some bugs were fixed.
Skype msi
Skype for Business:
Change log:
- What's new in Skype for Windows desktop? (function () { var ele = document.createElement("meta"); ele.name = "viewport"; if (window.outerWidth (function () { var win8viewportMeta = document.getElementById("win8viewportMeta"); win8viewportMeta.parentNode.removeChild(win8viewportMeta); })(); var require = { baseUrl: "https://secure.skypeassets.com/apollo/2.0.127/js", waitSeconds: 200, paths: { "apollo/accessibility.Select": "core" , "apollo/ajax": "core" , "apollo/Button": "core" , "apollo/cookie": "core" , "apollo/font.characterSets": "core" , "apollo/font.FontLoader": "core" , "apollo/hash": "core" , "apollo/keycodes": "core" , "apollo/mediaQuery": "core" , "apollo/mediator": "core" , "apollo/navigation": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar.ChildNavigationLink": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar.MobileMenuNavigationLink": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar.NavigationBar": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar.NavigationLink": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar.ParentNavigationLink": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar.SingleNavigationLink": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar.TopLevelNavigationLink": "core" , "apollo/responsive": "core" , "apollo/storage": "core" , "apollo/user": "core" , "apollo/user.LanguageSelector": "core" , "apollo/user.preferences": "core" , "apollo/util": "core" , "apollo/window": "core" , "apollo/footer": "core" , "document": "core" , "location": "core" , "modernizr": "core" , "navigator": "core" , "Object": "core" , "window": "core" , "jquery": "core" , "s": "core" } }; require(["apollo/user", "apollo/footer", "Knowledgebase"]); require(["apollo/navigationBar.NavigationBar"], function (NavigationBar) { "use strict"; new NavigationBar(); }); require(["apollo/font.FontLoader", "apollo/font.characterSets"], function (FontLoader, characterSets) { "use strict"; new FontLoader().load(characterSets.LATIN); }); var helperApiDomain = "https://helperapi.skype.com/", helperApiPath = helperApiDomain + "api/v2/search", helperLocale = "en", helperPlatform = "windowsdesktop", currentPlatform = "windows-desktop", isPredictiveSearchEnabled = true, isRelatedArticleSearchEnabled = true, allPlatforms = { "android": "Android", "ipad": "iPad", "iphone": "iPhone", "linux": "Linux", "mac": "Mac", "modern-windows": "Windows RT", "playstation": "PlayStation", "skype-for-tv": "Skype for TV", "skype-for-web": "Skype for Web", "windows-desktop": "Windows Desktop", "windows-phone": "Windows Phone" }; define("apollo/settings", function () { "use strict"; var settings = {}; settings.api = { "sessionApiUrl": "https://api.skype.com/users/self/displayname" }; settings.token = { "clientId": "965756", "loginUri": "https://login.skype.com/login/silent" }; return settings; }); require(["apollo/displayName"]); input[type=text]::-ms-clear { display: none; } var currentFaqId = "FA34509", currentFaqitem = "support|" + currentFaqId, currentPagetype = "faq"; By using this site you agree to the use of cookies for analytics, personalised content and ads. Read more Skype Skip main navigation Menu Close menu Home Downloads Business Rates Help My account Sign in Join us My account Sign out Sign in Get Skype /* var theForm = document.forms['form']; if (!theForm) { theForm = document.form; } function __doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) { if (!theForm.onsubmit || (theForm.onsubmit() != false)) { theForm.__EVENTTARGET.value = eventTarget; theForm.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = eventArgument; theForm.submit(); } } */ /* function PM_Postback(param) { if (window.top.HideScreenLockWarningAndSync) { window.top.HideScreenLockWarningAndSync(1080); } if(window.CMSContentManager) { CMSContentManager.allowSubmit = true; }; __doPostBack('m$am',param); } function PM_Callback(param, callback, ctx) { if (window.top.HideScreenLockWarningAndSync) { window.top.HideScreenLockWarningAndSync(1080); }if (window.CMSContentManager) { CMSContentManager.storeContentChangedStatus(); };WebForm_DoCallback('m$am',param,callback,ctx,null,true); } */ /* function modalDialog(url, name, width, height, otherParams, noWopener, forceModal, forceNewWindow, setTitle) { if (typeof(height) === "number") { height += 66; } if (setTitle == undefined) { setTitle = true; } if (forceModal == undefined) { forceModal = true; } if (otherParams == undefined) { otherParams = 'toolbar=no,directories=no,menubar=no,modal=yes,dependent=yes,resizable=yes'; } var advanced = false; try { advanced = window.top.AdvancedModalDialogs; } catch (err) { } if (advanced && !forceNewWindow) { window.top.advancedModal(url, name, width, height, otherParams, noWopener, forceModal, setTitle, this); } else { var dHeight = height; var dWidth = width; if (width.toString().indexOf('%') != -1) { dWidth = Math.round(screen.width * parseInt(width, 10) / 100); } if (height.toString().indexOf('%') != -1) { dHeight = Math.round(screen.height * parseInt(height, 10) / 100); } var oWindow = window.open(url, name, 'width=' + dWidth + ',height=' + dHeight + ',' + otherParams); if (oWindow) { oWindow.opener = this; oWindow.focus(); } } } */ /* if ((window.originalPostback == null) && (window.__doPostBack != null)) { window.originalPostback = __doPostBack; __doPostBack = __doPostBackWithCheck; } */ /* var CMS = CMS || {}; CMS.Application = { "isRTL": "false", "applicationUrl": "/", "imagesUrl": "/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx?image=%5bImages.zip%5d%2f", "isDialog": false }; */ /* Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._initialize('manScript', 'form', ['tctxM','','tdm$pM$pMP',''], [], [], 90, ''); */ body {height:auto !important;} Help Windows Desktop AndroidiPadiPhoneLinuxMacWindows RTPlayStationSkype for TVSkype for WebWindows DesktopWindows Phone Type a question or keyword Help Skype Getting started Download, install, and upgrade What's new in Skype for Windows desktop? Looking for the latest Skype for Windows desktop releases? Wondering what feature changes and improvements are in each release? Check the table below for all of the details on the most recent releases. Application version Main changes Skype 7.23 for Windows desktop released April 28th, 2016 General fixes Skype 7.22 for Windows desktop released March 24th, 2016 Bot support enabled General fixes Skype 7.21 for Windows desktop released March 10th, 2016 General fixes. Skype 7.18 for Windows desktop released January 18th, 2016 General fixes. Skype 7.17 for Windows desktop released December 15th, 2015 Group video messages - You can now send video messages to people in your group conversations. Remember, your friends don't need to be online when you send a video message. They'll receive it the next time they log in to Skype. Users who are signed in to their Windows 10 machine with a Microsoft account can now sign into Skype with that account in just one click. When you launch Skype, you'll see a new screen showing your Microsoft account. Click on this to sign in. If you want to sign in with a different account, simply select 'Other Account' and continue as normal. This is rolling out gradually so if you don't see it, don't worry - it's coming! Skype 7.16 for Windows desktop released December 3rd, 2015 New toolbar with icons representing file and photo sharing, video messages and sharing your Skype contacts shown in the text input box at the bottom of your chat screen. Introducing URL previews on Windows. When your friends share web links to you over Skype, you will see a preview of the web page directly in your Skype chat. Gradual release. Skype 7.15 for Windows desktop released November 18th, 2015 General fixes. Skype 7.14 for Windows desktop released November 4th, 2015 The Translator Options menu has been merged into the Translator Globe icon menu, making it easier to switch the feature on and off. Skype 7.12 for Windows desktop released October 1st, 2015 Skype Translator - Enables you to translate voice calls, video calls and IMs. Skype Translator is rolling out to our desktop users slowly. It might take a few weeks, but it will be pushed directly into your updated app. Skype 7.11 for Windows desktop released September 25th, 2015 General fixes Skype 7.10 for Windows desktop released September 8th, 2015 Skype for Tablet Mode users in Windows 10 including: All forms in Skype are now touch aware Input fields invoke on-screen keyboard Skype window re-sizes to accommodate on-screen keyboard. General Fixes Skype 7.9 for Windows desktop released September 1st, 2015 General Fixes Bug Fixes Skype 7.8 for Windows desktop released August 12th, 2015 General Fixes Stability improvements Skype 7.7 for Windows desktop released July 21st, 2015 General Fixes Most recently used and multi tab support in picker Skype 7.6 for Windows desktop released June 18th, 2015 Improved emoticon picker Stability improvements Skype 7.5 for Windows desktop released May 20th, 2015 Improved feedback form Stability improvements Skype 7.4 for Windows desktop released April 22nd, 2015 Support for Hindi Option to disable special text formatting for sent chat messages Skype 7.3 for Windows desktop released April 1st, 2015 Improvements to compact chat style Performance improvements Prompt to set default actions for Skype on first run Skype 7.2 for Windows desktop released March 2nd, 2015 Skype Credit balance now visible on front page Sharing files and photos now defaults to the last folder you shared from Your contacts' local time added to the IM window Accessibility updates Performance improvements Skype 7.1 for Windows desktop released January 28th, 2015 Skype-Lync video calling Stability improvements Bug fixes Skype 7.0 for Windows desktop released December 5th, 2014 Picture-sharing improvements Touch scrolling Skype-Lync video calling Improvements to the new design (based on your feedback) Other bug fixes Skype 6.22 for Windows desktop released October 29th, 2014 Redesigned chat experience: Compact chat view Switching large emoticons on/off Compact Sidebar view Show only conversations with unread messages Easier access to your profile and mood message Your favorites roam with you Simplified search experience Other bug fixes Skype 6.21 for Windows desktop released October 6th, 2014 Fix for intermittent webcam issue Other bug fixes Skype 6.20 for Windows desktop released September 3rd, 2014 Favorites now roam across clients. Engineering improvements to help reduce Skype's memory footprint and crashes. Other bug fixes Skype 6.18 for Windows desktop released July 7th, 2014 Free Group Video Calling Tax inclusive display for product prices Other bug fixes Skype 6.16 for Windows desktop released May 13th, 2014 Spell checker and auto-correct on Windows 8/8.1 Other bug fixes Please make sure you have the latest version of Skype for Windows desktop installed. Learn more about upgrading your Skype client. Learn more about Skype for Windows desktop. Was this article helpful? Yes No Why has this not helped? It did not solve my problem The answer was confusing/too much to read The answer was not relevant Other Please let us know why we couldn't help you today Important : Do not enter any personal information (such as your Skype Name, email address, Microsoft account, password, or real name or phone number) in the field above. Submit Thank you for your feedback Thank you for your feedback Thank you for feedback! For further sources of help, you can always search or read answers to questions in our community. Visit the community Related Articles How do I update my Skype software so I can keep using Skype? How do I download and install Skype for Windows desktop? I have a problem downloading Skype... How can I completely uninstall and then reinstall Skype for Windows desktop? Ask the Community See what people are saying about "Download, install, and upgrade" in the Skype Community. Join the conversation Video guides Your friendly step-by-step guides to using Skype var showMoreVideos = "True"; Find your friends on Skype Call a group of friends Call mobiles and landlines See all guides Hide guides Check your audio and video settings Keep your profile up to date Make a group video call Make video and voice calls to your friends on Skype Send a video message Send an instant message Share photos and files with your friends Share your screen Still need help? Our support team is waiting to help you. Ask them now /* (function() {var fn = function() {$get("manScript_HiddenField").value = '';Sys.Application.remove_init(fn);};Sys.Application.add_init(fn);})();*/ /* if (typeof(Sys.Browser.WebKit) == 'undefined') { Sys.Browser.WebKit = {}; } if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('WebKit/')> -1) { Sys.Browser.agent = Sys.Browser.WebKit; Sys.Browser.version = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.match(/WebKit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/)[1]); Sys.Browser.name = 'WebKit'; } */ /* */ /* var callBackFrameUrl='/WebResource.axd?d=gmZ2AckNtdfjqrxHDqEf362D27WEz9SD3tjpAIR3Am_KtlSaY-6G82qYvOn-syhgVt3nO9uSqATaEg7MmMUW5uVCEQyfTawTlTdcjMOYsfc1&t=635953847801576320'; WebForm_InitCallback();*/ /* document.pageLoaded = true; */ /* cmsrequire(['CMS/EventHub', 'CMS/Application'], function (hub, app) { hub.publish('PageLoaded', app.getData(null, window)); }); */ Footer links Other Microsoft sites Windows Office Surface Windows Phone Mobile Devices XBOX MSN Bing Microsoft Store English EnglishعربيDeutschEspañolSuomiFrançaisहिन्दीBahasa IndonesiaItaliano日本語NederlandsNorskPolskiPortuguêsPortuguês (Brasileiro)РусскийTürkçeУкраїнська中文 (繁體)
Change log:
- What's new in Skype for Windows desktop? (function () { var ele = document.createElement("meta"); ele.name = "viewport"; if (window.outerWidth (function () { var win8viewportMeta = document.getElementById("win8viewportMeta"); win8viewportMeta.parentNode.removeChild(win8viewportMeta); })(); var require = { baseUrl: "https://secure.skypeassets.com/apollo/2.0.127/js", waitSeconds: 200, paths: { "apollo/accessibility.Select": "core" , "apollo/ajax": "core" , "apollo/Button": "core" , "apollo/cookie": "core" , "apollo/font.characterSets": "core" , "apollo/font.FontLoader": "core" , "apollo/hash": "core" , "apollo/keycodes": "core" , "apollo/mediaQuery": "core" , "apollo/mediator": "core" , "apollo/navigation": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar.ChildNavigationLink": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar.MobileMenuNavigationLink": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar.NavigationBar": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar.NavigationLink": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar.ParentNavigationLink": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar.SingleNavigationLink": "core" , "apollo/navigationBar.TopLevelNavigationLink": "core" , "apollo/responsive": "core" , "apollo/storage": "core" , "apollo/user": "core" , "apollo/user.LanguageSelector": "core" , "apollo/user.preferences": "core" , "apollo/util": "core" , "apollo/window": "core" , "apollo/footer": "core" , "document": "core" , "location": "core" , "modernizr": "core" , "navigator": "core" , "Object": "core" , "window": "core" , "jquery": "core" , "s": "core" } }; require(["apollo/user", "apollo/footer", "Knowledgebase"]); require(["apollo/navigationBar.NavigationBar"], function (NavigationBar) { "use strict"; new NavigationBar(); }); require(["apollo/font.FontLoader", "apollo/font.characterSets"], function (FontLoader, characterSets) { "use strict"; new FontLoader().load(characterSets.LATIN); }); var helperApiDomain = "https://helperapi.skype.com/", helperApiPath = helperApiDomain + "api/v2/search", helperLocale = "en", helperPlatform = "windowsdesktop", currentPlatform = "windows-desktop", isPredictiveSearchEnabled = true, isRelatedArticleSearchEnabled = true, allPlatforms = { "android": "Android", "ipad": "iPad", "iphone": "iPhone", "linux": "Linux", "mac": "Mac", "modern-windows": "Windows RT", "playstation": "PlayStation", "skype-for-tv": "Skype for TV", "skype-for-web": "Skype for Web", "windows-desktop": "Windows Desktop", "windows-phone": "Windows Phone" }; define("apollo/settings", function () { "use strict"; var settings = {}; settings.api = { "sessionApiUrl": "https://api.skype.com/users/self/displayname" }; settings.token = { "clientId": "965756", "loginUri": "https://login.skype.com/login/silent" }; return settings; }); require(["apollo/displayName"]); input[type=text]::-ms-clear { display: none; } var currentFaqId = "FA34509", currentFaqitem = "support|" + currentFaqId, currentPagetype = "faq"; By using this site you agree to the use of cookies for analytics, personalised content and ads. Read more Skype Skip main navigation Menu Close menu Home Downloads Business Rates Help My account Sign in Join us My account Sign out Sign in Get Skype /* var theForm = document.forms['form']; if (!theForm) { theForm = document.form; } function __doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) { if (!theForm.onsubmit || (theForm.onsubmit() != false)) { theForm.__EVENTTARGET.value = eventTarget; theForm.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = eventArgument; theForm.submit(); } } */ /* function PM_Postback(param) { if (window.top.HideScreenLockWarningAndSync) { window.top.HideScreenLockWarningAndSync(1080); } if(window.CMSContentManager) { CMSContentManager.allowSubmit = true; }; __doPostBack('m$am',param); } function PM_Callback(param, callback, ctx) { if (window.top.HideScreenLockWarningAndSync) { window.top.HideScreenLockWarningAndSync(1080); }if (window.CMSContentManager) { CMSContentManager.storeContentChangedStatus(); };WebForm_DoCallback('m$am',param,callback,ctx,null,true); } */ /* function modalDialog(url, name, width, height, otherParams, noWopener, forceModal, forceNewWindow, setTitle) { if (typeof(height) === "number") { height += 66; } if (setTitle == undefined) { setTitle = true; } if (forceModal == undefined) { forceModal = true; } if (otherParams == undefined) { otherParams = 'toolbar=no,directories=no,menubar=no,modal=yes,dependent=yes,resizable=yes'; } var advanced = false; try { advanced = window.top.AdvancedModalDialogs; } catch (err) { } if (advanced && !forceNewWindow) { window.top.advancedModal(url, name, width, height, otherParams, noWopener, forceModal, setTitle, this); } else { var dHeight = height; var dWidth = width; if (width.toString().indexOf('%') != -1) { dWidth = Math.round(screen.width * parseInt(width, 10) / 100); } if (height.toString().indexOf('%') != -1) { dHeight = Math.round(screen.height * parseInt(height, 10) / 100); } var oWindow = window.open(url, name, 'width=' + dWidth + ',height=' + dHeight + ',' + otherParams); if (oWindow) { oWindow.opener = this; oWindow.focus(); } } } */ /* if ((window.originalPostback == null) && (window.__doPostBack != null)) { window.originalPostback = __doPostBack; __doPostBack = __doPostBackWithCheck; } */ /* var CMS = CMS || {}; CMS.Application = { "isRTL": "false", "applicationUrl": "/", "imagesUrl": "/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx?image=%5bImages.zip%5d%2f", "isDialog": false }; */ /* Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._initialize('manScript', 'form', ['tctxM','','tdm$pM$pMP',''], [], [], 90, ''); */ body {height:auto !important;} Help Windows Desktop AndroidiPadiPhoneLinuxMacWindows RTPlayStationSkype for TVSkype for WebWindows DesktopWindows Phone Type a question or keyword Help Skype Getting started Download, install, and upgrade What's new in Skype for Windows desktop? Looking for the latest Skype for Windows desktop releases? Wondering what feature changes and improvements are in each release? Check the table below for all of the details on the most recent releases. Application version Main changes Skype 7.23 for Windows desktop released April 28th, 2016 General fixes Skype 7.22 for Windows desktop released March 24th, 2016 Bot support enabled General fixes Skype 7.21 for Windows desktop released March 10th, 2016 General fixes. Skype 7.18 for Windows desktop released January 18th, 2016 General fixes. Skype 7.17 for Windows desktop released December 15th, 2015 Group video messages - You can now send video messages to people in your group conversations. Remember, your friends don't need to be online when you send a video message. They'll receive it the next time they log in to Skype. Users who are signed in to their Windows 10 machine with a Microsoft account can now sign into Skype with that account in just one click. When you launch Skype, you'll see a new screen showing your Microsoft account. Click on this to sign in. If you want to sign in with a different account, simply select 'Other Account' and continue as normal. This is rolling out gradually so if you don't see it, don't worry - it's coming! Skype 7.16 for Windows desktop released December 3rd, 2015 New toolbar with icons representing file and photo sharing, video messages and sharing your Skype contacts shown in the text input box at the bottom of your chat screen. Introducing URL previews on Windows. When your friends share web links to you over Skype, you will see a preview of the web page directly in your Skype chat. Gradual release. Skype 7.15 for Windows desktop released November 18th, 2015 General fixes. Skype 7.14 for Windows desktop released November 4th, 2015 The Translator Options menu has been merged into the Translator Globe icon menu, making it easier to switch the feature on and off. Skype 7.12 for Windows desktop released October 1st, 2015 Skype Translator - Enables you to translate voice calls, video calls and IMs. Skype Translator is rolling out to our desktop users slowly. It might take a few weeks, but it will be pushed directly into your updated app. Skype 7.11 for Windows desktop released September 25th, 2015 General fixes Skype 7.10 for Windows desktop released September 8th, 2015 Skype for Tablet Mode users in Windows 10 including: All forms in Skype are now touch aware Input fields invoke on-screen keyboard Skype window re-sizes to accommodate on-screen keyboard. General Fixes Skype 7.9 for Windows desktop released September 1st, 2015 General Fixes Bug Fixes Skype 7.8 for Windows desktop released August 12th, 2015 General Fixes Stability improvements Skype 7.7 for Windows desktop released July 21st, 2015 General Fixes Most recently used and multi tab support in picker Skype 7.6 for Windows desktop released June 18th, 2015 Improved emoticon picker Stability improvements Skype 7.5 for Windows desktop released May 20th, 2015 Improved feedback form Stability improvements Skype 7.4 for Windows desktop released April 22nd, 2015 Support for Hindi Option to disable special text formatting for sent chat messages Skype 7.3 for Windows desktop released April 1st, 2015 Improvements to compact chat style Performance improvements Prompt to set default actions for Skype on first run Skype 7.2 for Windows desktop released March 2nd, 2015 Skype Credit balance now visible on front page Sharing files and photos now defaults to the last folder you shared from Your contacts' local time added to the IM window Accessibility updates Performance improvements Skype 7.1 for Windows desktop released January 28th, 2015 Skype-Lync video calling Stability improvements Bug fixes Skype 7.0 for Windows desktop released December 5th, 2014 Picture-sharing improvements Touch scrolling Skype-Lync video calling Improvements to the new design (based on your feedback) Other bug fixes Skype 6.22 for Windows desktop released October 29th, 2014 Redesigned chat experience: Compact chat view Switching large emoticons on/off Compact Sidebar view Show only conversations with unread messages Easier access to your profile and mood message Your favorites roam with you Simplified search experience Other bug fixes Skype 6.21 for Windows desktop released October 6th, 2014 Fix for intermittent webcam issue Other bug fixes Skype 6.20 for Windows desktop released September 3rd, 2014 Favorites now roam across clients. Engineering improvements to help reduce Skype's memory footprint and crashes. Other bug fixes Skype 6.18 for Windows desktop released July 7th, 2014 Free Group Video Calling Tax inclusive display for product prices Other bug fixes Skype 6.16 for Windows desktop released May 13th, 2014 Spell checker and auto-correct on Windows 8/8.1 Other bug fixes Please make sure you have the latest version of Skype for Windows desktop installed. Learn more about upgrading your Skype client. Learn more about Skype for Windows desktop. Was this article helpful? Yes No Why has this not helped? It did not solve my problem The answer was confusing/too much to read The answer was not relevant Other Please let us know why we couldn't help you today Important : Do not enter any personal information (such as your Skype Name, email address, Microsoft account, password, or real name or phone number) in the field above. Submit Thank you for your feedback Thank you for your feedback Thank you for feedback! For further sources of help, you can always search or read answers to questions in our community. Visit the community Related Articles How do I update my Skype software so I can keep using Skype? How do I download and install Skype for Windows desktop? I have a problem downloading Skype... How can I completely uninstall and then reinstall Skype for Windows desktop? Ask the Community See what people are saying about "Download, install, and upgrade" in the Skype Community. Join the conversation Video guides Your friendly step-by-step guides to using Skype var showMoreVideos = "True"; Find your friends on Skype Call a group of friends Call mobiles and landlines See all guides Hide guides Check your audio and video settings Keep your profile up to date Make a group video call Make video and voice calls to your friends on Skype Send a video message Send an instant message Share photos and files with your friends Share your screen Still need help? Our support team is waiting to help you. Ask them now /* (function() {var fn = function() {$get("manScript_HiddenField").value = '';Sys.Application.remove_init(fn);};Sys.Application.add_init(fn);})();*/ /* */ /* var callBackFrameUrl='/WebResource.axd?d=gmZ2AckNtdfjqrxHDqEf362D27WEz9SD3tjpAIR3Am_KtlSaY-6G82qYvOn-syhgVt3nO9uSqATaEg7MmMUW5uVCEQyfTawTlTdcjMOYsfc1&t=635953847801576320'; WebForm_InitCallback();*/ /* document.pageLoaded = true; */ /* cmsrequire(['CMS/EventHub', 'CMS/Application'], function (hub, app) { hub.publish('PageLoaded', app.getData(null, window)); }); */ Footer links Other Microsoft sites Windows Office Surface Windows Phone Mobile Devices XBOX MSN Bing Microsoft Store English EnglishعربيDeutschEspañolSuomiFrançaisहिन्दीBahasa IndonesiaItaliano日本語NederlandsNorskPolskiPortuguêsPortuguês (Brasileiro)РусскийTürkçeУкраїнська中文 (繁體)
Acrobat Reader DC patch AcroRdrDCUpd1501620039.msp
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Dropbox 3.19.35
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Dropbox 3.20.1
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
TeamViewer 11.0.59131
Change log:
- Now it is also possible to start end-to-end encrypted chat conversations and to keep a persistent chat history when chatting to (Custom) QuickSupport Modules
- Notifications can now be disabled for individual chat conversations
- Improved transmission of Asian characters during a remote support session
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to establish a connection if there were spaces included between digits of the TeamViewer ID while being signed into the computer & contacts list
- Fixed a bug causing new managed devices being assigned to the wrong default group
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes
Latest Installers
- Dropbox 4.4.29
- 2016-05-27-raspbian-jessie-lite.zip
- 2016-05-27-raspbian-jessie.zip
- ActivePresenter 6.0.1
- WinRAR 5.40 (32-bit)
- WinRAR 5.40 (64-bit)
- Google Chrome 51.0.2704.63 (64-bit)
- Google Chrome 51.0.2704.63 (32-bit)
- Google Chrome 51.0.2704.63 (64-bit) msi
- Google Chrome 51.0.2704.63 (32-bit) msi
- CCleaner 5.18.5607
- Dropbox 4.3.26
- Classic Shell 4.2.5c
- 7-Zip 16.02 msi (64-bit)
- 7-Zip 16.02 msi (32-bit)
- 7-Zip 16.02 (64-bit)
- 7-Zip 16.02 (32-bit)
- Dropbox 4.3.25
- Google Drive 1.30.2170.0459 msi
- 7-Zip 16.01 msi (64-bit)
- 7-Zip 16.01 msi (32-bit)
- 7-Zip 16.01 (64-bit)
- 7-Zip 16.01 (32-bit)
- Skype msi
- Skype
- Acrobat Reader DC patch AcroRdrDCUpd1501620041.msp
- zabbix-3.0.3.tar.gz
- zabbix-2.2.13.tar.gz
- zabbix-2.0.18.tar.gz
- Notepad++ 6.9.2
- TeamViewer 11.0.59518
- 2016-05-10-raspbian-jessie-lite.zip
- 2016-05-10-raspbian-jessie.zip
- Adobe Flash Player
- Adobe Flash Player (ActiveX)
- Google Chrome 50.0.2661.102 (64-bit)
- Google Chrome 50.0.2661.102 (32-bit)
- Google Chrome 50.0.2661.102 (64-bit) msi
- Google Chrome 50.0.2661.102 (32-bit) msi
- 7-Zip 16.00 msi (64-bit)
- 7-Zip 16.00 msi (32-bit)
- 7-Zip 16.00 (64-bit)
- 7-Zip 16.00 (32-bit)
- Skype msi
- Skype
- AdbeRdrUpd11016.msp
- Acrobat Reader DC patch AcroRdrDCUpd1501620039.msp
- Dropbox 3.19.35
- Dropbox 3.20.1
- TeamViewer 11.0.59131